“Cogent is the best ISP I’ve ever worked with. They are by far the best solution out there, especially for Cogent-Lit buildings.”
– Michael Salvato, CIO, Davis+Gilbert, LLP
Davis+Gilbert LLP is a strategically focused, full-service mid-sized law firm of more than 130 lawyers. Founded over a century ago and located in New York City, the firm represents a wide array of clients – ranging from start-ups to some of the world’s largest public companies and financial institutions – throughout the United States and internationally.
The firm has been a Cogent customer for over 18 years – even prior to the arrival of their CIO. Michael Salvato has been in Legal IT for over 20 years and CIO of Davis+Gilbert since 2014.
Michael Salvato has used Cogent as an Internet Service Provider since 2001 – at multiple law firms – whenever one of his firms has had a location in a Cogent-lit building. For him, installation time and reliability are critical. He also appreciates the level of support he receives when he needs it, which stands in stark contrast to other ISPs he has worked with. While Salvato monitors his circuits via the customer portal – eCogent – he likes the fact that his sales rep checks in with him regularly and that the lines of communication are always open between sales and support.
Davis+Gilbert currently uses Cogent Dedicated Internet Access with 1 Gbps of capacity. During 2020, the firm moved offices. No stranger to office moves, Salvato planned ahead to make sure his circuits would be ready on time at the new office space. He selected Cogent as the primary provider and chose another provider to provide a backup circuit. As he anticipated, his Cogent circuit was ready and waiting for him when the new office opened. Unfortunately, the backup circuit he had requested from the other provider was not delivered on time, and was not installed until after it was a few months overdue.
According to Salvato “Cogent is the best ISP I’ve ever worked with. They are by far the best solution out there, especially for Cogent-Lit buildings.”